Megaton DNEIPA
by Counter Weight Brewing Co.
Brewer’s Description:
Megaton DIPA brings a blend of unique, expressive hop varieties together to emphasize tangerine-like flavors with notes of mango and fresh-cut melon.
In this review, we will be looking at Megaton DNEIPA by Counter Weight Brewing Company. There are countless IPAs on the market and many are the same ol’ thing. Sometimes it’s difficult to tell from another. So when an IPA comes along that makes you stop in mid-sip and pause in awe of the flavor that is upon your tongue… Well, that’s something to write about.
I handle the social media for a chain of package stores here in CT called Amazing Grapes Wines and Spirits. (Shameless plug) I frequent the local store in the Storrs/Mansfield area to check on sales, events, and any photo ops that I can get. As I was perusing the beer fridge I saw Megaton. It’s amazing how a label can catch the eye. I know we can’t judge a book by its cover or a beer by its can, but this one jumped out at me. I grabbed a four-pack and brought it home. It was homemade pizza night in the Estey home and nothing goes better with pizza like an ice-cold beer. Little did I know that our delicious pizzas would be overshadowed by a beer with an attractive label.
If you watch any of my Instagram or YouTube videos (and I hope you do) you will notice that pouring a beer for me is a process. I watch the beer as it’s being poured. I want to see the color, the opacity, the forming of the head, and the lacing. I am smelling the beer as it pours. As the beer rushes into the glass the aroma is rushing out. I take advantage of this moment to draw in the complexities of the hops and malt as they release their heavenly scent into the air.
After the pour, I will take another moment to sniff my beer and evaluate the aroma and dispel what my nose is picking up. On to the first sip. The nose and taste buds work in conjunction. While my olfactory system is still holding onto the scent of the beer, I flood my taste buds to gain a full perspective of the flavor profile. This whole process is what I call the Sniff & Sip.
Sniff & Sip
Here is what I got from Megaton during the Sniff & Sip.
Look: This is a thick double NEIPA. It’s a little lighter in color but has a nice hazy texture that makes the beer very opaque. A tall white head presented itself and probably would have had a lot of lacing if I hadn’t dived in and sipped it all away.
Smell: The aroma is sweet. I picked up mango and papaya with proud citrus hanging in the background.
Taste: The sweet aroma carried over into the flavor. There was fresh mango and tangerine with the presence of the classic dank grapefruit lingering at the back end. There is a lot of flavor in this beer. A beautiful example of a NEIPA.
Overall: This beer is very well made and easy to drink. Possibly too easy to drink. My pizza had no chance of being the hero of the meal. Amazing beer Counterweight. I will be buying this one often.
Counter Weight
No IBU Listed
4.2 (Untappd)
Bud's Overall Rating: 4.5 mugs
Time to hear from you
Have you had the privilege to try any of tasting a Megaton?
Do you think you can carry the weight of Megaton?
Do you think of Megatron when you hear Megaton?
Leave me a comment below. Please take a moment to visit my Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube channel. Subscribe, like, share, and all that brouhaha.
Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you.