In this article, I am going to tell you about my experience with Triple Ruffled NEIPA by
Stony Creek Brewery in Branford, CT. I am not blaming Untappd for the low rating score that Triple Ruffled got at all. I am just reporting what I see, and I disagree with it completely. Let’s look at the specifics of this beer, and then I'll tell you my story of how I first encountered this great beer.
The Legacy
Triple Ruffled is the second successor to Stony Creek’s Ruffled Feathers, an India Pale Ale that carries a 6.2% ABV and then followed by their second release called Double Ruffled, which is, as you guessed it, their DIPA version. The ABV is a robust 8.2%, and neither beer has a listed IBU, which I am cool with, as I do not depend on the IBU ratings anyway.
That leads us to Triple Ruffled. This beer is one you want to make sure you drink responsibly due to its whopping 10.2% ABV. With a boatload of El Dorado, Asacca, and Mosaic hops, the aroma and flavor of this beer are both robust and well-balanced at the same time. This beer impressed me so much that I want to share my story with my first encounter with Triple Ruffled.
My Story
It was a typical Friday run to my local package store to pick up my weekend supply. I didn’t have any particular beer in mind as usual. I like to see what Adam, the super nice store owner, had in stock this week. I’m a lucky guy. Adam has a very impressive craft beer inventory, with new beers flowing through his coolers every week.
I came upon the section where the Stony Creek Brewers stock is housed, and there it was… Triple Ruffled New England IPA. I was literally excited. I grabbed the four-pack quickly as it was the last one. I didn’t want to lose it to some fast-footed college student that wouldn’t truly appreciate the artistry that went into creating it.
The Right Mindset
Swallowing my excitement and returning to my sensibilities, I was now ready to make an impartial judgment during my Sniff & Sip. I cracked open the can and slowly poured it into my snifter, and watched the head of the beer rise above the rim of the glass and stand up almost like a mushroom cap. Unfortunately, by the time I got my camera ready, the head had receded some but the shot I got still displays a perfect single-finger topper.

My Sniff & Sip Moment
The color was a little more than golden but not quite an SRM 9 amber. I couldn’t bring the glass to my nose because to spill a drop of beer in my house is a sin worthy of flogging, and my wife was right there with me ready, with her whipping post and belt. We tease each other a lot. Bringing my nose to the snifter, the aroma was distinct… El Dorado hops.
El Dorado Hops
To say that this beer has a fruity aroma would be an understatement. My nose was filled with tropical scents and watermelon candy. Absolutely amazing. With the first sip, I got to experience the total pleasure of dual-purpose hops.

Azacca and Mosaic hops
The citrus hit me first,, followed by a mango/blueberry undertone. The bitterness was present but it was gentle for an IPA. The balanced flavor of bitter and fruity led to a very crisp, clean finish. Even the 10.2% ABV didn’t overwhelm the tongue. The alcohol flavor blended into the mix and was more like a compliment and not like an uninvited guest.

It seemed my original excitement was justified. I was not disappointed at all. I have to respect the opinions of others, but I do not have to agree. The 3.8 rating on UnTappd is definitely not my take on this beer.
The reviewing was now over, and it was time to sit back and enjoy the rest of this well-crafted delight. My only disappointment with this situation is that I picked up the last four-pack. Well… at least I have three more to drink. Wait… make that two. My wife just cracked open one for herself. God bless ya, baby.
Bud’s Official Rating
My official rating on the beer is a solid 5 out of 5 mugs. It just agrees with my tastebuds. I may have to take a 63-minute drive to Branford, CT, to pick up some more of this tasty treat before my feathers get all ruffled for not having any more in my refrigerator.
Time to hear from you
What do you think? Am I way off on this one? Do you agree or disagree with my assessment? Send me your feedback and let me know. Please take a moment to visit my Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube channel. Subscribe, like, share, and all that brouhaha.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.
Triple Ruffled NEIPA
Stony Creek Brewery
Triple NEIPA
No IBU Listed
3.88 (Untappd)
Bud's Overall Rating: 5 mugs