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  I am Buddy Estey, and I am the creator of Bud's Beer Blurb, a blog site that reviews beers, breweries, and various other like-minded products.  I will be writing articles and reviews about Breweries and the beers that they create, the latest news about the brewing industry, interviews with brewmasters and brewery owners, educational pieces I like to call Brew 101, and some humorous content that I hope will entertain you,


A Little Personal Info









   I reside in Coventry, CT, with my wife and best friend, Heather.  We have a little “homestead” here with our three dogs, one cat, and a bunch of chickens that produce the finest tasting eggs known to humankind… in my opinion, that is.  We have six adult children and two grandchildren that we adore. 

   I am an artist, a woodworker, and a retiree.  I retired from the Department of Corrections here in CT, serving my communities in an environment that most people couldn’t fully comprehend for twenty-two years of my life.  I am so glad to be out of there and happy that I accomplished it.  I have a pension package that includes my medical insurance.  When I joined D.O.C. I had no idea how much I was going to need that benefit.


The Accident


   After I retired, I started working with two of my brothers, who are master carpenters.  We were doing most remodeling of kitchens, bathrooms, and other various jobs, and I loved it.  That all ended quickly after I had a fall from a building.  I broke my hip and had to have surgery immediately.  After seven pins and two plates that were installed to hold the pieces together, I was left unable to do all the physical activities that I enjoyed so much, including working with my brothers.

   I do not do well with being idle.  I have to be busy, or I go a little insane.  I am a very creative person, and I must be actively creating, or my life has no meaning.  I tried to do something with my woodworking, but that proved too painful.  My artwork isn’t something that would be able to support me.  The old saying, “A starving artist,” is authentic.  I had to find something to do with myself to feel like I had a purpose.  It was a difficult thing for me to contemplate… life without meaning.


What to do next?


   I am a bit of a homebrewer.  I have made several batches of beer, and I enjoy the satisfaction of creating and drinking a good beer.  I always have ​to achieve.  So, I decided to start this blog so that I might be able to: 

1.) Be a participant in the industry in some small way.  

2.) Give me an outlet for creativity and soak up some of this time on my hands.

3.)  Allow me to feel that I have a purpose.

   Am I being overly dramatic?  Possibly.  But I am ok with that.  I may not be as physical as I once was, but I know I can sit in a brewpub, have a good beer, talk with the owners, staff, and brewmaster, and write about my experiences with them.  Also, as a homebrewer, I have some idea of what it takes to make a good beer.  It is an art that I enjoy being involved with in some way.  Mostly the tasting part, but let’s not split hairs.


My Pledge to you


   With careful consideration as to what I am getting myself into,  I will endeavor to write reviews on breweries and the beers they create, provide news about the craft beer industry, coverage and info about events, and fresh articles covering various subjects of the brewery lifestyle.

   So please continue to join us, and thank you for visiting Bud's Beer Blurbs.  I appreciate any support given.  Please visit our Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram.   Please make sure to Like, Subscribe, Comment, Share, and all that good stuff.  We look forward to seeing you there.



Bud Estey


Heather & Bud Estey

Welcome to My Blurb Site

Where we review beer, breweries, and a whole lot more.

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What's a Blurb?!!


blurb  /blÉ™rb/


  1. a short description of a book, movie, or other product written for promotional purposes 

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